

Strategic focus on customer satisfaction has yielded positive results at H. Daugaard

H. Daugaard conducts ongoing customer satisfaction surveys through the analysis company FactFactory.

We have deliberately chosen to use an external company for the studies, as we want to ensure the reliability of the results.

Our focus on customer satisfaction surveys makes it possible for us to constantly increase our service level because we become aware of what our customers demand.

Henrik Johan Nielsen, CEO of FactFactory states: “What we see concerning the development in customer satisfaction among H. Daugaard’s customers is nothing short of impressive“.

Knowing your customers leads to great service

On a scale of 0-100, H. Daugaard now scores 86, which is a very strong result. The high customer satisfaction is deposited in loyalty, where we see a doubling in the proportion of customers who can be described as ambassadors.

Henrik Johan Nielsen points out that the explanation for the high and improved score must be found in the fact that the service level, quality and reliability of H. Daugaard has increased significantly and can be regarded as being at the top. And precisely these areas are crucial for customers.

Where H. Daugaard differs most markedly from previous ones is on their follow-up and compliance with agreements. They have increased the level of service, where they can solve challenges quickly for customers. And the customers have acknowledged with very positive feedback.” says Henrik Johan Nielsen.

H. Daugaard will continue to focus on increasing customer satisfaction as we offer customized solutions. At the same time, we are happy and proud of our performance, which simply has whetted our appetite.

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